Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Strawberry Rhubarb Compote...Er, Pie too

I find the prices for rhubarb on the east coast absurd. It grows like weeds in Minnesota and usually you can get a ton of it for free. However, I was craving some rhubarb compote this week so I folded and bought a bunch yesterday then quickly set to work making a batch of strawberry rhubarb compote. You can use this recipes for pie filling so I've added a few notes at the bottom to help take it there. But I served it w. pancakes last night, had it mixed with yogurt this morning and full intend on incorporating it into every meal until it is gone.

Strawberry Rhubarb Compote
(makes approx a lot of nummy-ness)

2 lb          Rhubarb
1 Liter     Strawberries, rinsed
3/4-1C     Sugar (depending on your sweetness preferences) you can use splenda or a mix too
Juice of 1/2 grapefruit
2-4T        Triplesec

Trim and chop rhubarb into 1/2 inch chunks. Combine with sugar, grapefruit juice and triplesec and let macerate for 10-15 minutes. Hull and chop strawberries while you wait then mix into the rhubarb combo. Pour into heave sauce pan and place on stove. Bring it to a boil and let is pop and caramelize for 2-3 minutes then reduce to simmer, uncovered. Let mixture simmer until it has reduced by at least 1/4 but no more than 1/3. Remove from heat and let it cool. It will set up in the cooling process and become a little more gooey. Devour w. ice cream, in oatmeal, on pork, on top of a bagel or simply in a spoon and to the lips. 

If you decide you want to take this to pie level you will need:

3 T     Cornstarch
1        Egg
1T     Milk

Prepare the compote as usual with these three changes:
     set aside 1 Cup of macerated rhubarb mixture
     stir in cornstarch when the mixture is boiling
     only let it simmer for 3o minutes

Preheat oven to 350

Roll out one ball of pie dough and fit into 9" pie dish, leaving extra dough hanging over the edge. Brush with egg wash and poke holes with fork, cover with saran and place in freezer for 20-30 minute to prevent shrinkage. Once it is chilled fill with COOLED compote and the 1 cup of macerated rhubarb. You may have too much filling, simply set the extra aside for later. 

Roll out top crust. Brush edges with egg wash and place top crust on. Cut a few small vents into the top crust. Brush with egg wash and sprinkle with sugar. 

Place on baking sheet and into the oven for 35 minutes or until crust is brown. Remove and LET COOL. Otherwise you'll have a syrupy mess on your hands. Serve with quality vanilla ice cream. 

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